Columbus, Indiana’s First Presbyterian Church was “born” on July 3, 1824, but we will be celebrating all year long! Our church was officially chartered with 17 members and the Rev. John M. Dickey as installing minister. Early meetings were held in the first frame structure in town that was a boarding house and tavern. Our church is commemorating its first 200 years throughout 2024. The Bicentennial Committee listened closely to input from church members in developing plans for the year. These plans include updating the church’s history, engaging our children and youth, hosting a community-wide celebration and a neighborhood ice cream social, producing a documentary video, offering adult nurture classes and creating a lasting legacy project. Watch for updates and more information. Please contact any of the people listed below for opportunities to get involved.
Bicentennial Co-chairs — Rachel McCarver and Sherry Stark
Steering Committee — Bonnie Boatwright, Zack Ellison, Paul Hoffman, Mary Ann McCray, Anthony Merida, Kelleigh Staley and Doug Wray
Advisor — the Rev. Dr. Felipe Martinez
Click here for a Presbyterian News Service article about our Bicentennial celebration Sunday!