Since 2023, the church annually dedicates a Sunday morning to worship through prayer and serving others in our community.
LOVE CHAPEL is an outreach program of the Ecumenical Assembly of Bartholomew County Churches where local residents are given food, housing and financial assistance. LOVE CHAPEL is an important part of FPC’s mission to serve others. A large part of our mission budget is is contributed for their use and each week we are part of their Hot Meal program, providing a warm meal every Friday at 5 pm in our gymnasium.
GRANNY CONNECTION is a Columbus based non-profit group that raises funds to support a comprehensive pediatric HIV/AIDS care program in Zambia. 100% of the funds are raised by volunteers,
Over the last year, Granny Connection donated funds have helped provide food, medicine and a package of life saving health care services to 200 HIV positive children, prenatal HIV intervention to expectant mom, and business training and loans to 80 impoverished women, One of these woman recently had her story shared at the UN Women’s website last July.
LCNFC – FPC is proud to support Lincoln Central Neighborhood Family Center and their purpose to meet the needs of local residents.